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The 2000-Year-Old Mummy

Lady dai is a well-known mummy in the whole world. It is one of the world’s amazing masterpieces. It was discovered by the archeologist during the anticipated unexpected task.



Xin Zhui was a Chinese citizen. He has a husband named Li Kang. He was an outstanding and dignified official and this is the reason why Xin Zhui has a throne that was qualified as Han Lady Dynasty. Also because of that, she was called Lady Dai. She and her husband have a son. Moreover, she loves music and entertainment excessively.

In the past 2000 years, a lady named Xin Zhui also known as Lady Dai died in 163 BC of heart disease. An autopsy was performed on her that was allowed by the scientist and discovered that her blood was clotted. It was clear that she died in a poor condition and found many signs of diseases.

Her body was found sailing in an acidic liquid. Also, nothing has changed in her hair, skin, and mostly all parts of her body. In her inner veins, her blood was totally preserved. Even her blood type was defined as Type A.

Xin Zhui was founded in 1971 where workers are digging around an air raid shelter around Changsha. The place was across the huge burial site. Her crypt was filled up with a thousand artifacts such as makeup, lacquerware, wooden sculpted figures, and other servant staff.

A banner was also found in her coffin. It illustrates a life after death scenario. A six-foot-long banner was placed in the deepest part of the coffin. The banner incorporated three sections. The upper portion of it indicates the heavens. The middle portion shows the brighter view of the afterlife which is really precise in the suit that she wears. Lady Dai was wearing an adorn silk cloak and attractive footwear staring at two helpers that demonstrate the noblewoman with a salver. The base portion indicates the vision of the underworld.

Lady Dai Now

Xin Zhui artifacts from her grave are shown at the Hunan Provincial Museum. Archeologists are continuing the study and other findings of Xin Zhui’s tomb. They also continue to find more pieces of information about her lifestyle during the Han Dynasty. In this modern-day, Lady Dai plays a part in the domain of archeology even though she is no longer alive.

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